GIGANTOUR 2008: Winnipeg Show Sold Out

March 21, 2008

The Gigantour 2008 concert scheduled to take place on May 10 at the Convention Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is officially sold out. This is the third sold-out show (following Quebec City and Edmonton) on the North American tour and more are expected to follow soon. According to a posting on the official MEGADETH web site, "certain other Canadian dates in particular may very well be next on the list to sell out."

The third installment of Gigantour the acclaimed traveling heavy music festival launched in 2005 by MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine will launch April 12 in Denver, CO with headliner MEGADETH, Swedish metal band IN FLAMES, Finland's CHILDREN OF BODOM, Arizona's modern extreme JOB FOR A COWBOY and Oakland, CA heavy power trio HIGH ON FIRE all confirmed. The 29-date trek will criss-cross North America and wrap May 22 in Phoenix, AZ.

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